2018 Scholarship Award Winners

Aug 08 2018
Published in: Mobility
| Updated Apr 27 2023

Worldwide ERC® Foundation is proud to recognize the 11 students who were awarded with scholarships after submitting their relocation essays to the 2018 Foundation Scholarship award contest!

In partnership with several regional groups around the United States, the Worldwide ERC® Foundation holds an annual Student Essay Scholarship Program to support and promote its mission to energize the global community through charitable giving. This year, 11 students were recognized for their outstanding submissions:

  • Lucia Carrero
  • Emily Perez Garcia
  • Eve Rachel Glenn
  • Halakhe Godana
  • Uuad Ismail
  • Manit Kaushal
  • Rebecca Lin
  • Sarah Oh
  • Kaguya Okawa-O’Connell
  • Sindhu Pemmasani
  • Maddie Zubrod Hayes

The Future of Relocation

Mobility can open up career opportunities for professionals, but can also be difficult for their families to undertake. This is especially the case for their children, who are tasked with adapting to a new environment and school system.

The scholarship award winners—plus all other contestants—shared their stories to lend a hand to those who are going through those difficult changes. After all, they encountered the relocation process themselves.

Here is some great advice from our scholarship award winners:

“A strong piece of advice I have for any international or national student who plans on moving long distance on their own is to make sure you have a fixed place to live at when you are planning to study.” –Emily Perez Garcia
“Each day brings new meaning during a relocation, and while changing homes may present seemingly intolerable problems, one must recognize the phonetics of ‘impossible’ is built upon the foundation of ‘I’M-POSSIBLE’.” –Eve Gleen
“I’ll also advise anyone preparing to relocate to take on more responsibilities, such as being a leader in one or more activities. Being a leader gives you experience and discipline that is necessary in today’s fast-paced environment.” –Halakhe Godana
“I would also encourage newly relocated students to get involved in school activities such as sports, plays, music or other clubs so they can meet more students who have similar interests.” –Saud Ismail
“You are most likely not the only one feeling lost in the new place. To understand, one must realize that you have to open your mind to what others are sacrificing themselves. Furthermore, one must adapt, which means to be open to the changes one is going through. For one to be happier in a new place, one cannot deny things, but rather try to embrace them.” –Kaguya Okawa-O’Connell
“Knowing I could overcome leaving everything behind twice gave me the strength I needed to grow as a person and not be afraid of change.” –Lucia Carrero
“Instead of focusing on everything you will be missing, getting excited about your move and finding little things to look forward to will make it easier to say goodbye to your home when the day comes. Moving is always hard, but finding the good in the situation and can help change your attitude and make it a better experience.” –Maddie Zubrod Hayes
“I realized that despite so many outward differences, human society is fundamentally the same across the globe.” –Manit Kaushal
“No matter where you end up, there is always that southern hospitality ready to greet you to your new school. Whether it’s the teachers, students, or coursework, all of these are resources to help you transition well. All you need to do is ask!” –Rebecca Lin
“But remember: the fact that you have connected with your friends relatively late does not mean that you cannot build meaningful relationships with them.” –Sarah Oh
“…we all face circumstances which require us to step outside of our comfort zones, and it is important to be open-minded to these new opportunities.” –Sindhu Pemmasani